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Differentiated Integration


EU corona emergency law: Restrictions on the export of protective  equipment, notably from the EU into third countries like Switzerland (Regulation 2020/402)

This current article by Christa Tobler examines the EU restrictions on the export of protective equipment that the EU has imposed against the background of the Corona pandemic. In particular, it examines whether different treatment of different third countries is legally permissible. >> more


A Short History of the EFTA States’ European Integration 

This text briefly describes how the European integration of the EFTA states proceeded since EFTA was founded in 1960. It shows that European integration initiated political changes in countries and spheres that lie beyond the scope of the EU institutions.   >> more​​


Non-member states’ relations with the EU – a typology

Analysis to follow. 

Liechtenstein Institute, Liechtenstein
Newsletter.png provides in-depth analyses of the institutions and processes that link the EFTA states to the EU. An independent academic blog addresses developments in the EFTA states from a political and legal perspective, thus providing up to date information on the EFTA states' relations with the EU.

University of Bergen, Norway

Liechtenstein-Institut  |  Gamprin-Bendern  |  Liechtenstein  |  ph +423 320 33 00  |  |

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